This happy thing called HOPE


Finally, this is going to be my first Indonesian post. For English version, please scroll down.

Subuh tadi, ayah sudah berangkat. Menunggu Ahok, WaGub Jakarta, di depan kantornya. Sekitar jam 8, dia sudah kembali ke rumah dengan muka berseri-seri.

Jadi ceritanya, surat yang dikirimkan ke Ahok, surat mengenai pengaduan masalah banjir di kompleks kami, surat yang disertai semua lampiran tata letak kota, korespondensi dengan bagian-bagian terkait, dan lampiran-lampiran lainnya yang sudah diperjuangkan sejak tahun 2008, sudah dibaca Ahok. Sangat terkejut karena surat itu baru dikirimkan dua atau tiga hari yang lalu. Ahok juga tahu status follow up surat tersebut.

Ini hanya cerita singkat, mungkin tidal berarti apa-apa bagi yang lain. Tapi bagi saya, cerita ini sangat melegakan hati. Sepertinya, masih ada harapan memperbaiki kondisi negara kita di tengah kebobrokan politiknya.

English Version

It was dawn when my dad left the house this morning. He was going to wait for Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama), the Jakarta Vice Governor, in front of Ahok’s office. Around 8, he came home already with a happy face.

What happened? Turned out, the letter that he sent ( as a representative of our neighborhood), the letter that informing the condition of regular flood in our neighborhood, the letter that contained all the attachment of city plan with all the correspondences with the old government, the letter with all the research that has been fought since 2008, has been read by Ahok. So surprise since the letter was sent just two or three days ago. Ahok even know the status of the follow up.

It might not mean anything to anyone else, but for me, it surely put a smile in my face. I guess, hope is not dead yet. With all the government corruption news, with all the negativity in politics, there is a slight hope that our country might change for the better.

” The first and last task of a leader is to keep hope alive.” John W. Gardner

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